Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I'm Old

Phrases I never thought I'd hear myself say:

I promise, it tastes better when it's warm.
If your room isn't clean by the end of the day I'm going in there with a trash bag.
Don't those kids know how stupid they look in those clothes?
I'm so looking forward to school starting.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

It has been a tough day here at 3861 Old Bridge.

Kit is still recovering from his double ear infections and isn't quite back to his normal schedule. He isn't eating any of the baby food we give him and really is only mildly interested in the food I eat. This leaves me scratching my head trying to figure out how to get all the nutrients in him that he needs. All he really wants to do is drink milk but this isn't giving him the sustenance he needs to cheerfully make his way to the next day. He has been waking up several times during the night when it seems like we just finally got him sleeping through the night last week. Basically, that's the long way of saying that Chuck and I were both worn out before today even began.

This morning, after Chuck had left for work, I was attempting to get Kit to eat something and of course he was more interested in what I was eating so I put a bowl of cereal on his tray and let him take the reigns. In a matter of minutes he tossed the bowl, cereal and all, over the side of his highchair to the waiting pack below. Normally when this happens there are a few growls and snarls but everyone is too busy chowing down to actually pursue a fight. The only thing I can think that made this time different is that when the bowl hit the floor is landed upright with all the contents in it instead of spread out everywhere and the dogs were all vying for the same small space. Needless to say, a fight ensued, which resulted in a trip to the animal hospital.

My word...does this happen to everybody? I sat down to type this blog over an hour ago and  I've only managed to squeak out two paragraphs. I have gotten side tracked by beer brought to me by my wonderful husband, e-mails, text messages, garage sale maps online, and so on and so forth. Blogging feels like work.

Anyway, the long and the short of it is, Juniper got Kadi by the neck and it's a good thing she didn't bite any harder or decide to shake her because this tough day would have gotten a lot worse. As of now, Kadi has a cut up ear and two shallow puncture wounds that have been sterilized, she's been doped up with pain meds and antibiotics, and she's currently zoned out on the bed next to me. 

More tough times, discussions, and decisions are ahead.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Blog Schmog

I've decided blogs are intimidating. I don't know much about them except from the one's I've come across on Pinterest. Whoever these women are that can be moms, DIYers, carpenters, and amazing bloggers must also have multiple personalities that all can work at the same time. Anyway, I guess that's my way of saying that I am almost afraid of blogging. I have this ridiculous thought that I need to have a wonderful, inspiring, funny, and instructional blog or I should just not blog at all. In reality though, who is reading this? Mainly me. This is basically my online diary; so I need to get over it.

Anne is in the Slime, Grime, and Goop camp this week. It's a day camp. I am looking forward to overnight camp. Especially when we can send both the children at the same time. I'm not sure a week at the grandparents will ever happen so camp is the prize my eye is on right now. Maybe whenever that happens I can write the perfect blog.

Monday, June 11, 2012

A Day in the Life

Well, it's been a fairly standard day in the life of me.
Wake up: Yeah! It's a new day! I'm going to 
  • Finish the laundry
  • Eat healthy and track my calorie consumption
  • Go to the gym
  • Clean the house
  • Be an awesome mommy

Mid-morning: I'm pretty much on track.

  • Last of laundry is in the washer minus the orange juice soaked romper the baby is wearing.
  • I measured my cereal serving but didn't manage to measure the milk.
  • Might still make it to the gym, a mommy friend is visiting and may watch the kids while I go.
  • No cleaning done but at least the house isn't a disaster.
  • My children are alive and not crying so that's good.
Noon-ish: Can't exactly say how much I've accomplished because I'm passed out while baby is napping.

Mid-afternoon: At least some things are getting done.

  • Working on folding laundry.
  • Have eaten well but haven't tracked anything.
  • Maybe I'll go to the gym this evening when the husband is home with the kids.
  • I've washed the dishes (our dishwasher is broken)
  • The baby is napping so I take a break from laundry folding to relax and use the computer. I realize the stuff in the washer needs to go in the dryer. Closing the dryer door startles the dogs, they go nuts barking, the baby wakes up, I run to quiet the dogs, trip up the stairs, get the dogs calmed down, the baby goes back to sleep, I go back to "relaxing." An hour later I realize I never started the dryer.
Evening: I am happy because husband is home.
  • Last of the laundry is drying, clean clothes have been folded, clean linens are in a heap on the floor.
  • We're going to Taco Mac for dinner because the shrimp we were supposed to have is on the Kroger receipt but not anywhere in the house.
  • Forget the gym.
  • The door mat with dog vomit on it has been thrown on the back porch and is getting washed off by the rain so that's kind of like cleaning.
  • My daughter has hit me in the face with a spoon of peanut butter and I excuse myself before doing something I'll regret.
10:30 PM: Contemplating the day.
  • All laundry is washed and folded minus the linens still on the floor. Some laundry is even put away. I will finish it tomorrow.
  • I'm craving a late snack but will resist. Tomorrow I will track my calories.
  • I will go to the gym tomorrow for sure!
  • I'll clean the house tomorrow too!
  • I am an awesome mommy. Especially when the children are sleeping.

Saturday, June 9, 2012


I am beat. I don't know how blogger mommies do it. How on earth do they have time to blog every day, be witty and funny, post online tutorials, and still be wives and mothers? 

Today we celebrated Anne's birthday. Her new playset was erected yesterday and the children seemed to love playing on it. I don't know if I can go back to blog posts at later dates and add pics but if I can I will try to do that once I upload them. 

I did all the stuff to make Anne's birthday the best it could be. Baked a cake, made a slew of pinterest inspired treats, decorated with balloons and banners, and so on and so forth. Anne ping ponged back and forth among people, places, and activities starting several hours before any guests arrived and has only finally promised to stay in her room for bed just a few minutes ago. Essentially she's been going none-stop for 12 hours. I am a zombie, she is in bed throwing her new pillow pet into her ceiling fan watching it fling across the room. 

Still, I think that overall, it was a good day.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Day 12,001

There is most assuredly an element of narcissism to blogging. I've re-read my first post several times today for no reason I can think of other than to revel in my own thought process and pride in doing something I previously thought only computer geniuses (like my husband) were capable of.

With that said, this was my father's post yesterday on Facebook:

Papa and Mom are very wise and intelligent people. People who I hope, for my own sake, are this wise due to the fact that they are severely old (I say with my tongue in my cheek) because I do not feel so wise.

It's very challenging is when you realize that a relationship in your life is not bringing you happiness yet you care deeply for the person. The balancing act between happiness and loving someone becomes very tricky.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Day One

I suppose most first posts of blogs begin the same way. The writer stating that this is something she is new to and please forgive any stupidity on her part. That's me. If there's some sort of blog etiquette, I don't know it. I have no idea what's normal, not normal, acceptable, not acceptable. Regardless, this is basically for me to journal and for family and friends who are interested to keep up with my ramblings and the goings on of my little family. So, wooo whoo, welcome to my brain. I'm so glad you're here.

Today marked the Transit of Venus. An event that apparently will not happen again until we're all dead. I did not see it. I'm sure I'll see images on Facebook or somewhere. 

I did see Anne move her thumb on her own for the first time tonight. Friday we go to the hand surgeon for her post-opp appointment to see how her trigger thumb surgery is healing. 

It's been almost two weeks since the procedure and she is still favoring her hand. I am fairly certain this is a mental and not physical manifestation. She is very dramatic about such things and I don't think intentionally so. I'm beginning to believe there is something genetic about this and I'm determined to not treat it as a fault (or at least continually remind myself not to). 

I was told over and over as I grew up that I was very "sensitive," which I've come to realize was a nice way of saying that I was easily upset and not one to disguise it. 

I think Anne is similarly "sensitive" but I don't want her to feel self-conscious and insecure about how she experiences the world. Even if it means tolerating some dramatics here and there. 

We may all be dead by the time Venus makes its next transit. All of us, Chuck, Kadi, Anne, Kit, me, and you. In the whole scheme of things, what's a little sensitivity going to do except make the ride a bit more interesting.